Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do you think about my argument against marriage?

i don't understand why you would ask gay and people to help you with an ignment against gay marriage, I think you will find that most gay people would like to be able to marry, perhaps you would have been better asking this question in the families section

Is this Audi overpriced? I am in Highschool?

The real question is whether you want to buy an Audi with high mileage. There are only a few dealers and independent shops to work on them and they are very expensive to repair. Also, older European cars tend to have electrical problems. And then there's a turbo that can fail if the dealer can't prove regular oil changes ($2k plus). I've know 2 people that have bought older Audis and both were money pits. By a more modest, newer vehicle. A Japanese car will be the most reliable. Hope this helps!

What is your favorite species of wild cat? And why?

I love all cats, but I'd have to say lions are my favourite. They're just so beautiful and majestic, and have a fascinating social system that's unique amongst felids.

In fallout 3 where is the alien ship that crashed located?

I heard that there was an alien spaceship that crashed somewhere close to the minefield. And that theres a really powerful alien gun inside it. Does anybody know where this ship wreck is located?

My 2 1\2 still uses a pacifier mostly at night but What is the best way to break her?

Take it away from her and let her cry. Or you can let her fall asleep with it, then take it when it falls out of her mouth. when she wakes up for it, hopefully she will fall back to sleep without it. eventually she will not come to depend upon it.

MCR FANS!!!!! A question about our haters!?

How do you control yourself when faced with an mcr hater who says despicable things. I have a hard time controlling myself. Seriously. Even online I get majorly pissed.

Giants have the best starting pitching rotation in basesball?

With the signing of the Randy Johnson, the Giants have Tim Lince, Matt Cain, Jonthan Sanchez, Barry Zito, Noah Lowry and now the Big Unit. Best starting pitching staff in the NL or MLB?