Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Am I vampier Help?

I never thought vampiers were real. But like 2 weeks ago I woke up with 2 holes on my neck at the time I didn't think anything of it. The like to days later I went out side and all of a suddin I got a head. Wasn't that bad. Then like ten mins later it was so bad I was crying. At the Time I thought it was a migrain But I went in side and like ten mins later it was gone and I went back out side it came back Every day I went out side it happend agen and agen A few days after that I felt alive dering the night. Then. I lookd at my teeth and they were sharper And I went to clip my nails and they wouldint clip I had to use my teeth And I noticed I got stronger I went from benching 80to140. I'm 17 btw Ind I was faster I need help.

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