Monday, August 8, 2011

What do the Democrats think of the super Delegates selling out on each other?

The super Delegates haven't made up there minds yet? Hillary states she has a bomb shes going to drop on Obama soon that will clinch it for her. She is ether bluffing or has one hell of a secret about Obama .I find this hard to believe do to Obama's corruption would be tuff to top. .Is that why there waiting? Or are they waiting to see which Candidate ends up with less corruption then the other! Or here's the part I like. When they do decide they are also deciding on who Democrats vote for ! If your vote wasn't to there liking it simply gets overturned. It's like sure vote for ever you want as long as it's the one we pick. If not you wasted your time voting. Cool system .It worked for Hitler and other dictatorships so it must work for Democrat's. Which apparently are not smart enough to choose who they want to vote for. Unbelievable!! One of the many reasons I am a Republican and will stay that way unless Republican leaders tell me who I'm going to vote for. I don't see that ever happening.

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