Thursday, August 18, 2011

What do you think about my argument against marriage?

i don't understand why you would ask gay and people to help you with an ignment against gay marriage, I think you will find that most gay people would like to be able to marry, perhaps you would have been better asking this question in the families section

Is this Audi overpriced? I am in Highschool?

The real question is whether you want to buy an Audi with high mileage. There are only a few dealers and independent shops to work on them and they are very expensive to repair. Also, older European cars tend to have electrical problems. And then there's a turbo that can fail if the dealer can't prove regular oil changes ($2k plus). I've know 2 people that have bought older Audis and both were money pits. By a more modest, newer vehicle. A Japanese car will be the most reliable. Hope this helps!

What is your favorite species of wild cat? And why?

I love all cats, but I'd have to say lions are my favourite. They're just so beautiful and majestic, and have a fascinating social system that's unique amongst felids.

In fallout 3 where is the alien ship that crashed located?

I heard that there was an alien spaceship that crashed somewhere close to the minefield. And that theres a really powerful alien gun inside it. Does anybody know where this ship wreck is located?

My 2 1\2 still uses a pacifier mostly at night but What is the best way to break her?

Take it away from her and let her cry. Or you can let her fall asleep with it, then take it when it falls out of her mouth. when she wakes up for it, hopefully she will fall back to sleep without it. eventually she will not come to depend upon it.

MCR FANS!!!!! A question about our haters!?

How do you control yourself when faced with an mcr hater who says despicable things. I have a hard time controlling myself. Seriously. Even online I get majorly pissed.

Giants have the best starting pitching rotation in basesball?

With the signing of the Randy Johnson, the Giants have Tim Lince, Matt Cain, Jonthan Sanchez, Barry Zito, Noah Lowry and now the Big Unit. Best starting pitching staff in the NL or MLB?

I am buying my first dirtbike, should i get 2 or 4 stroke?

I am 14 and weigh about 140 lbs and i'm 5'6". i am buying my first bike and am wondering if i should get a 2 or 4 stoke. i found a Honda crf100 but i rode a 100 and it was a little boring and would like something faster so i found a Yamaha yz 125. the Honda's a 4 stoke and Yamaha's a 2 stroke. which one should i get and is a 2 or 4 stoke better for a first bike?

I'm ually attracted to a 16 year old and I'm 30, how do I bring up ?

look, no matter what all the putzes on here say, I'd personally wait till he hit 18 but that doesn't mean that you can't go out as friends and build a relationship over time and if the age of consent is 16 there then if something happens you are ok as long as you both understand that there is the chance that the relationship could go bad if it goes beyond friendship which may end up being hazardous to your roommate relationship (i.e. if you two date and break up you may not want to be roomies any more)

I need advice in shaping my career as a teacher, any input is appreciated.?

textbooks are the best teachers in the world! seriously because students can read back and forth on textbooks

Poll: Have you ever been to Bangkok, Thailand? ?

No,and I'd never go either.Watch that movie,"Brokedown Palace",it's horrifying what can happen in a place like that.

Curious question(s) for non-Asian women: what is it about Asian guys you find attractive or unattractive?

I'm a white British girl and I have no idea why I find East Asian men so attractive, don't get me wrong this doesn't mean I only date Asian men but I find that I am more likely to find a Asian man attractive than a white man.

Can someone explain the legal/judicial process of 'stripping citizenship' in America?

What exactly does the 'stripping of citizenship' entail in America? If the person stripped of citizenship is not a dual citizen? How is it done? Who has the authority to do it? Why would this be done?

Physics Question... thank you! :)?

Redstone Arsenal has asked your team of students about the feasibility of a new projectile launcher that will save rocket fuel. Their idea is basically an electric slingshot that consists of 4 electrodes arranged in a horizontal square with sides of length 2d at a height h above the ground. The projectile is then placed on the ground aligned with the center of the square. A power supply will provide each of the four electrodes with a charge of +Q/4 and the projectile with a charge -Q. When the projectile is released from rest, it moves up and pes through the center of the square. To test this idea you decide to use energy consideration to calculate how large Q will have to get a 100kg projectile to achieve the Earth’s escape velocity of 11.2 km/sec when it pes through the square’s center. ume that the projectile starts from 100 meters below the horizontal square of electrode and that the sides of the square are each 10 meters in length in the calculation of Q. Furthermore, the plan is to ground the electrodes as the projectile pes through the square’s center, thereby giving the electrodes a zero electric charge. Why would you plan to ground the electrodes? Estimate the amount of current which will necessary to neutralize the four electrodes as the 0.50-m long projectile pé through the center of the array.

Advice on my writing?

post it to you will get TONS of advice and feedback from professional and amateur writers. And i thought it was amazing!

Wilt Chamberlain is over rated?

Yeah he's a good player but could he be as good if he played with todays NBA rules I remember when the key was 12 feet and not 16 imagine if shaq played back then

Ten weeks pregnant and have been sick for a week?

Is this alarming? should i go see a doctor. I just have like swollen lymph nodes in my neck, mild sore throat, and alot of green mucous when coughing or blowing my nose. my head feels congested but thats about it. Is this harmful to the baby?

Question about ares.?

I have a ton of songs in the library, but don't know how to move them to windows media player or make them play continuously from the library. Does anyone know how to do one or the other?

If you have lost your mucus plug and are having contractions that are going between 6 and 8 minutes apart and?

are lasting about 50 seconds should you go in? i am 38 weeks and i could just be over anxious. i dont wanna go just to be sent home. i was dialated to a two at 36 weeks and to a 3 at 37 weeks... i dont have another apt till wed tho and my braxton hix have never even been slightly painfull but today i feel crampy all over my stomach but no back pain... i need opinions

10 Points To Do AirAsia (MALAYSIAN Airlines) Survey?

Your survey has a major error. AirAsia is NOT a Malaysian Airlines company. It is an independent airline from Malaysia and is one of the major competitor for Malaysian Airlines.

Just how bad do evangelicals hate McCain?

Many evangelicals are torn. Because the new movement incorporates new issues including poverty and the environment not just gay marriage, abortion etc. Both parties have stronger stances with varying issues.

What i was trying to ask is ,what is going to happen to the third world?

they say that the sun will eventually burn out so that is why you have space exploration to find new habitat to sustain human life and the survival of the species.what will happen to the countries that are technologically backward to build their own space can't take everybody.would this be a form of natural selection?

Is it just me or did anyone feel shawn michael's farewell was almost more sad than eddie's tribute show?

Not really because backstage, WWE officials believe that HBK has one or two matches left in him before he really does retire for good.But for now, he's taking a lenghty break from the WWE.

Explain the solution president nixon implementd?

Nixon had developed an abiding detestment of wage/price controls when he had briefly served on one of the numerous bureaucratic War Boards in 1942,yet he IMPLEMENTED Wage-Price controls as part of his Shock.Though most only lasted 90 days,it was a glaring contradiction and contributed to inflationatory problems in the long term.

What are some good video card upgrades for the Acer Aspire one 11.6 inch version?

Netbooks, such as the one you have, are not a good choice for a gaming rig. The CPU isn't as powerful, and with most laptops, the video card is integrated, meaning you cannot swap it out. If you are serious about gaming, you're either going to have to buy a decent laptop, or else build a desktop machine. If you're concerned about upgrading, the desktop would be your best option.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Why don't you understand how important it is for the citizens of USA to gain full direct daily legislation?

No, most people fail to be fully educated on the issues. And honestly some things that are widely unpopular are still necessary (taxes)

QUESTION FOR MALAYSIANS????? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Ok, so it's not actually lost-it's just locked up with my parents, who refuse to let me travel on my own, evn tho i'm 18+. Anyway, i just renewed it a month ago, & I'd like to travel, so do i have to apply for a completely new one & how much will that be? oh! n where can i apply for it? n how much will it cost?

I see future in my dreams?

This might sound funny to you, but i am sleeping and having this dream, and I swear to god in every dream there this one scene that always happen in my future and i always realize its so familiar. Its not like i know its gonna happen, but when it happens i know i have seen ti before happening in my mind. and also few days back in my dreams I had a dream about school and the word Paradox, and next day we were talking about it in my cl for English and i found it very interesting. Anyone like to tell me whats going on?

Did my sister molest me, or just childhood curiousity?

I have a strange situation. My older sister (I'm male) is in a deep depression because she thinks (and my mom thinks) she molested me when we were little. I remember the situation and think it was not a big deal- weird, I know, that I'm the one trying to convince her that it's not a problem. Basically, we saw a movie in a hotel room (our parents were in the adjoining room and didn't know), and my sister acted out a scene from the with me. She was 11, and I was 5. I remember the incident well- all that happened was she "humped" me- there was no force, threatening, no touching each other's privates or kissing. I really remember it as a game. I know she is older, and I think that's why she feels so guilty. That and the fact that we were both in pajamas, so there was some, er, skin to skin contact (but no or attempted . ew). As an adult, she told me she had never seen of any type before that incident, and she thinks she was imitating what she saw. She didn't get anything ual out of it, and I believe her. She has never threatened me to not tell anyone, or that we have to keep it a secret. I think she was so young she didn't even think of it like that. I told her it's really not a big deal, and it only happened that one time. I truly believe in my heart she did it because she was curious, and had no intentions of hurting me. I also don't think she had any concept of what she was doing- I know when I was 11, I didn't understand what was the way I did later as a teen/adult. I think my mom is to blame because my sister admitted this to her, and my mom completely flipped out. She is calling my sister a child molester and that she should turn herself into the police. This situation was over 25 years ago! Did my sister really molest me, if she herself was a child and didn't even know what molestation was?

A dreamy guy but he's kinda stingy..?

I've been dating this guy for a month now & I couldn't ask for a better bf: he's well-educated, got a nice managerial job, has his own house, he drives a cadillac escalade to work, he has this vintage sports car -a 1965 replica shelby cobra sitting by his garage, he wears a Tag watch, in short, he's very upscale. I don't really like him that much bec there's this Airforce guy I was really eyeing on but my bf was more pursuing & he's really good in the sack, as in, really good in the sack & he treats me like a princess- goes to his knees to help me put on my boots, goes to my work just to give me a goodnight kiss before he goes home from work, he kisses me on the forehead & puts blanket on me when I'm sleeping, he'd make sure I have my towel ready when i get off his shower, gives me wonderful hugs & kisses & all other sweet, thoughtful stuff. But the only one thing I was wondering about was he never asks me out like u know, dine out, go to clubs. One time he asked me to come over his office so we could have margarita at this upscale bar but we never made it coz i was late but he opened a nice bottle of Taittinger champagne at home & we sipped that while we lay on his couch watching TV. But even if i'll be the one to ask him that we see a movie bec i have tickets already, he wouldn't want to go & would make an excuse that he's tired so most of the time we just hang out at his house, watch DVD & make love. In the morning he'd never attempt to make breakfast for the both of us, just coffee coz he's always hurrying to work. Most weekend mornings when his 5-year-old daughter's at his place, he'd invite me over to join them for coffee so I'll be the one to bring in breakfast. When he spent his first night at my apartment, I don't want him to leave until we had breakfast first, hoping he'd get it that sharing a meal even if it's just a McD meal is part of the dating thing & that he needs to give a little efffort when we're at his place to cook dinner for us. He made me dinner once during the first time I visited but that was it. No repeat whatsoever. I'm not really into guys treating me or always taking the tab for me bec I do well on my own & I'm also generous & have the sensitivity to take turns. It's just that I'm wondering why he's so stingy. He shared with me that he's suffering from a legal battle with his ex- the mom of his daughter & that he's also giving child support and then he said he's got all the bills he need to pay. Date with us would just be hiking & just staying home. Is this a healthy relationship?

Proof by cases question?

Suppose the police are investigating a burglary and discover the following facts. All the doors to the house were bolted from the inside and show no sign of forced entry. In fact, the only possible ways in and out of the house were a small bathroom window on the first floor that was left open and an unlocked bathroom window on the second floor. On the basis of this, the detectives rule out a well-known burglar, Julius, who weighs two hundred and fifty pounds and is arthritic. Explain their reasoning.

Fantasy football running back's, who to start?

Peterson and Jones. Peterson will have a big game against a horrible DET team. Jones should run all over SF too.

The top Y!A NFL Fan for each team.?

Im a die hard Indianapolis Colts fan and we finally will get another superbowl since 2006 after the disappointments that i had to deal with in the 90s. We need to win sbs quickly cause once Manning retires we will go back to losing and the teams like the browns and lions will be elite quicker than u think.

Why does Palin think victims of should bear the rapist's child?

Even though 70% of the population thinks that abortion should be legal in cases of and , Palin doesn't think so. Does the fact that McCain and company won't let her talk to media without them have something to do with this? They don't want her to screw up and say what she truly believes in? I know she finally agreed to an interview, her intense schooling must be nearing completion. "Sarah, don't say what you believe in because 70% of the country doesn't agree. Whenever they ask you a tough question, tell them 'John McCain was a POW!'"

Need help figuring out an ovulation issue?

Here's whats going on my period was on the 19th and a week a go saw ewcm for 2 days so me and the hubby bd a few times last week, though I thought this to be to early. Then today I noticed lots of ewcm and now I'm not sure if I am ovulating now or what. I think today is day 12 of in my cycle which would make more since. Why would I see ewcm one week, then a week later??? Does it sound like I'm ovulating now?? Thank you for your answers!

Can someone help me answer this statistic question?

a die is loaded so that the number 6 comes up three times as often as any other number. WHat is the probability of rolling a 1 or a 6?

What shall i get for my boyfriend for valentines?

weve been together a bit over a year and recently hes done some amazing gifts for me like big trips out and nice gestures and i really want to do something nice for him. we decided to tone it down a bit year mainly cos hes been spending some much on me.were just staying at my house all day and spending it together. any ideas from anyone would be fab thanks

How on earth to make my bigger, with out fat!?

all of my friends have medium to large a s s e s and im as flat as slab of rock. its embarressing because i am at the age where immature guys will comment on that, and make me the laughing rumor of the month. any exercises or ways i can get a nice backside without putting on weight?

Do you think the "War on Terrorism" Is just a form of genocide?

Since the "terrorists" happened to all be "Iraqis" do you think as they are being singled out that it is not genocide? A whole race has been blamed for the actions of a few. It's like us wanting to kill all white people because a couple of teenagers blew up a building playing with dynamite. Opinions on this?

Ques for Christians. Do you believe the rapture will occur in your lifetime?

Excluding the book of Revelation (which describes the end) and the rapture itself, the only prophecy I know of yet to be fulfilled is a full attack on Israel. Don't you think that could happen at any time? I don't think I'll see it, but I believe my grandchildren (who haven't been born yet) will.

What is the monetary prize for the Noble Peace Prize Award?

It changes throughout the years, Obama received $1.4 million while the last recipient received $1.3 million.

Do all mobile phone companys do this??! please help?

okay- im on the Three network on contract...... basically i want to go from a mix and match plan to a texter plan... but they told me numerous times that i cant unless i do an early upgrade. i can change how much of my mix and match i get but cant change onto a whole other plan (texter plan). ive heard that if u go to cancel a contract they will always give u wat u want. is this true... cos i sed right ill cancel it and he sed okay it will be �***.**..... but they obv thought i was bluffing... problem is i dont wanna pay 600quid to cancel it... but dont wanna take that chance wot shud i do?!

Why do all my female friends want baby boys...?

Just ask them. But my brothers gf is pregnant with a boy and she's mad about it because she wanted a girl because they have "prettier clothes". But I dont understand why...babies are babies

Boots or polo wraps for dressage?

Which is better for dressage, polo wraps or those fleece lined leather boots? I see people using both.

Regardless of Political Affiliation?

Thanks, and I would like to wish everyone here a happy Fourth as well (especially the people who hate me). Now who brought all the good illegal fireworks?

What is the Signing bonus for a Combat Controller?

I'm signing up for special forces in the US Air Force. I'm currently leaning towards Combat Controller just because i want to be on the battle field making a difference. My other option is Pararescue but it involves medical which is not my cup of tea. So im just looking for information or someone who is a CCT or PJ to help me out, thanks.

Wow.. I'm still in shock that he did this?

Sounds like he's immature and only wanted . A few months after me and my ex gf broke up, I had a status update that she must have thought was about her, b/c she then deleted me. Just forget about him and move on.

Is it only me or arent u ........?

tna is great alot of good wrestlers there and hogan anf flair are making it popular its just not going to be better then wwe

What type of student loan do i have to take?

My daughter will go to University this year. She has a scholarships, but the sum is short of 27,000 for one year. There are so many variations of loans (student loan, parent loan, co-signer loan, etc.). Which one is the right one to take?

Sniffing vicks when not sick? Is this a serious problem?

ok i was congested for awhile so i used the vicks inhaler. I really liked the smell so I kept sniffing it and now its like im addicted? Will this become a problem?

Please i need your help right away :'(?

I'm trying to buy inkjet acetate clear sheets "printable" through the internet,,, where can i find them please my file is sized 20x9 can i find somthing close to it please

How do u calculate the excise duty payable for DTA sale of software by a 100% EOU?

Section 3(1) of the the Central Excise act provides that aggregate of customs duties shall be paid as Central Excise Duty for clearance by 100 EOU. Do you need to pay Education CESS and Higher Education CESS on the aggregate of Customs Duties? If so what are the provisions?

Can anyone recommend a cheap but reliable service for shipping packages to Colombia?

I want to send a 5-7 lb package from Chicago to Bogota to one of my friends but I don't want to spend $$$$$$$. Can anyone recommend a cheap but reliable service for shipping packages? If so, please send me the name and website. Thanks.

What ingrediant is in Luden's cough drops to allow them to be called "cough drops"?

Luden's is manufactured By hershey foods. The ingredients list inactive ingredients, but no "active ingredients." Is this a lame way to make money by Hershey or what gives here folks?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Is it ok to ship pirated PC game cd's from my country (bangladesh) by mail?

i live in usa and i can't afford to buy cd's/dvd's here..its too expensive....dvd's in my country are kind of pirated ..most of the cd's are pirated there....thats all you can find there...any one have any idea about this?

If all the unions wanted were collective bargaining why are unions rejecting the proposal in Ohio?

b/c unions are all greedy slobs that try to pretend they negotiate when all they do is take at the expense of the taxpayer

Do you believe in UFOs/Aliens in a different planet/universe?

I really do believe there is another life out there,I think there are UFOs and I think they are trying to learn about us. I believe they are friendly and we can learn from them.I think it will happen in this life time.(meeting them)

I am looking for an enV2. I need help?

Hey go back on verizon website and look in there phone page sometimes they will have reused phones for you to buy and they sometimes still have a warranty on them, and if this is your first time you could get an better deal with them, the best of luck to you

Will I gain weight eating this food?

I doubt you are going to gain weight eating just that.. If you want to gain weight you would need to eat wayyy more than that. I suggest eating atleast 3500 calories a day.

Which cake has the least calories ?

well, it depends on how it is made with ingredients, an excellent low calorie cake is making angel food cake, da whole bundt size cake is 800 calories when using splenda, go on youtube see how it is made and make it, u can have your cake and eat it!!!

Fantasy Baseball Help..?

Your pitching is good, but you need to work on your offense. Drop Moutsakas because he is doing terrible right now. You can have Cuddy has your 3B then pick up an outfielder.I would pick up Coco or Swisher and drop Moustakas.

CHRISTIANS: Do you think all of the denominations of the Christian church will ever unite as one?

No.. because the protestantism has become anti-catholic and they reject everything of the history of the first church and the doctrines.. the catholics and orthodoxs could be one as long as there is a good dialogue because two churches share almost the same history and parts of the doctrines are the same view.. the 7 sacraments.

I don't understand this!!!!!!?

Ok, so in school were talking about monarchy, so boring, I understood every thing. I know how absolute monarchy gets its power but i don't understand how constitutional monarchy gets its power. How do they have power?

What taxes should I pay if I'll register in DE LLC. I am not resident of the USA.?

You are asking a question that can be very complex. Any answer you get is a guess because we don't know all of the cirstances. You should seek the advise of a tax professional.

I'm deeply confused by this...?

cuz ppl will actually go and buy those cds. its a good product. not for us, but for kids cuz they think subconciously its the songs that i like but sung by kids my age so subconciously "they can relate more" and thats how they get money. cuz the kids will nag their parents and they go out and buy the cds. they even did a Kidz Bop type crap for reggaeton music. it sucked, but kids love it.

Can someone tell me the fate of King Edward II and Hugh le Despenser and Isabella of France?

I know that Sir Hugh le Despenser the son was allegedly the ''lover '' of King Edward II. What became of Hugh le Despenser.. I know he died in 1426 and Isabella of France went to France on a mission to meet her brother Charles de Valois VI and negotiate to regain some of the land the French had taken over from Britain.. I know she was in love with Roger Mortimer but that he was later executed somehow... and King Edward II was executed in 1427 I believe on orders from the French.. they called Isabella of Spain the French She Devil but was she really that bad considering what her husband Edward II had done.. what really happened to provoke his murder and what became of the Despensers who claimed a lot of land all over England and who were tyrants.. who killed Hugh Le Despenser in 1426 and what became of Isabella after her eldest son Edward III became king and had her lover Roger Mortimer executed.where did she go?. was she a prisoner to her own son? these are 3 questions at least I know

Will this Mobo handle this graphics card?

any motherboard with a pci-e x16 slot (Regardless of version) can run any pci-e x16 card. and you should be fine with 850 watts

Having trouble running power wire for amplifier?

I have a 1992 Honda prelude Si and I am having trouble finding a location on the firewall to run my power wire through to my battery from my amplifier. Where is the best location and how to I access it?


SCAM.............Its very hard to get a visa to go to the UK....The only way to get a visa is to do it yourself..nobody can do it for you

World War 1 Books?????

Are there any nonfiction biographies/autobiographies/informationa… books that might be similar to the fiction book "A Farewell To Arms"?

Ironman length races?

I want to do an ironman, but I don't want to pay the ridiculous registration fee (plus mandatory 5-night stay in a hotel). Can someone give me some races that are of the same length but not trademarked iron man?

Lose weight?

first off smoke some marijuana. That will make you hungry for just about anything. then go eat an apple. apples are natural appetite suppressants, and if you eat it with peanut er it tastes good. If you think you dont like apples, you're wrong anything almost tastes good when you smoke pot. But if apples really aren't your thing then try oranges, they're great too, not to mention really good for you. Never ever ever ever start making yourself puke. its horrible for your teeth, and your esophagus, can cause your teeth to rot and fall out, and be just as bad as not eating at all. you can become very dehydrated and will actually become prone to gain weight more easily because of the fact that your metabolism will slow down if you stop eating or start making yourself puke up your food. seriously tho, smoke some weed be happy and start making yourself eat more fruit and vegetables. try broccoli with some salt and peas are really good for you too. stop eating red meat and just eat chicken and fish. with all those things along with exercise you will lose weight and become healthier. Happiness is health and health is happiness.

Can you take a flask into a football ground whilst a match is being played?

I’m only wondering, if there is some sort of rule against taking a flask into a football ground, whilst a match is being played? And I would only use my flask to drink from like normal people, as I’m a very cold person and a cup of tea in my flask would really sooth the problem!

I need a really awesome idea for asking this guy to SADIES!!?

so i decided i wanted to do a lil more than just simply going up and asking this guy to sadies...i want to do something creative and give him some attention and to really show him that i like if you have any idears that wud be awesome!! and nothing corny pleez!! haha

Geometry illiterate!! Please help me!?

Sam wishes to fertilize his lawn that is 16 yards by 70 yards. The organic fertilizer costs $5.75 per bag. Each bag covers 525 square feet. What is the cost to fertilize his yard?

What is the best graphics card for my laptop?

my laptop is a acer aspore 5715z and has a intel gma x3100 graphics card what is the best one i can get and how much im english ones that are quite good and run games like spore is what i need

I watched a show on PBS that claimed that the aztecs sacrificed and ate humans...?

Either PBS is lying to you, or the idea of Aztecs sacrificing and eating humans is purely allegorical.

Since they have predicted a active hurricane season what NFL team will go to the Superbowl?

Will it be the sity that gets hit by more hurricanes or the worst hurricane, you know since they restored hope in the big sleazy

Should i reason with my crazy mother in law?

I don't think you should call her first , Because she is the one that wants to see your child so she should be the one calling you should just ignore her because if you don't she will stress you out.

Movies help plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

Try this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Opinion on a Kids Party Theme Plz Answer!!!!?

That party looks great and well done I think you should go for it! I don't think it would be too exspensive either look on oriental trading if you have enough time I know they have lots of monkey/banana stuff!

Hi My system is giving prob PLZZZZZZZZ help?

My sys 's properties and some othe functions are not working properly in short they are not opening.If I openn then this msg appears 'The operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.Please contact your system administrator" Please tell ME WHY THIs is happening.I recently dwnloaded a virus scan on my comp but it turned out to be a virusSo i went in safe made n deleted the virus scan Since then it is giving problem CAN U GUYS PLZ HELP ME OUT

Is it true that the most widespread natural disasters occur in Islamic regions?

We can hardly imagine the suffering of innocent people and wonder if it relates to violence in the name of Islam

Is anyone else extremely unhappy with the Catholic Church right now?

I am a Catholic and I must say the Catholic Church is a big disappointment to me what with the continuing lack of female pastors, the opulence of every church, and the whole overlay of conservatism that plagues the philosophies and guidelines of Roman Catholicism. Does anyone else share my belief? (please not too many death threats or furious responses, just a friendly question =))

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are there any bands that experiment around a bit (maybe brilliantly) before they find their trademark sound?

'Scar' by Simple Minds is a good example of where Simple Minds starts to sound like trademark Simple Minds. They found the formula 5 years ahead of when they put it into full force on the album "New Gold Dream".

ALL WRITERS PLEASE HELP! I am dire desperation...?

well you can write from all of those perspectives. i have seen it done a few times. not that often though. where the story would shift between the two points of the main characters. also in most stories there is one main character unless it is a book in a series that has one book per one or two characters. those are nice.

Is a city girl more promiscuous than one from a province?

I think promiscuity is not a function of where one lives. However, I do believe that the anonymity that the city offers (i.e., more densely populated & people have a tendency to mind their own business) makes it easier for girls to engage in promiscuity. There's no much "talkling" that would go around unlike in the province where everyone seems to know everyone else. This is not a generalization nor a judgement call.

What do you think of my simplified explanation for why Islam was created?

No it was created by some jobless dude that can I ad his wife support his lazy @ss,and had a dream that god wanted him to p around the idea on how to praise him,his name was mohammed.

I suffer from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (self diagnosis). So what now?

well 11 years ago I started having panic attacks but over the years I found finding something that relaxed me helped alot!! I have learned to take deep breaths and meditate when i feel anxious it helps calm me down, and I stopped drinking coffee, tea and pop with caffine, decaffinated only! That really helps alot!! Oh and I pray to God alot he really helps me get through every day and I don't take any type of pills or medications for my anxiety or attacks. I myself find jigsaw puzzles and crosswords puzzles relaxing and it takes my mind off of the troubles of the day. Good luck and I hope some of this helps, and stop thinking about the worst of everything and try to be positive and you will find you will be more at ease. And if you believe in God and I hope you do Pray he will help he is probably just waiting for you to ask!!

Does anyone know when One Tree Hill Season 7 is coming to Canada ?

season 7 has been on for a couple months and is not yet finished, it is on break over the holiday, back on the 17th i think it may be? (on a monday in january) so far the latest season out is 6

Catholic church near 5 morris road, ringwood, nj?

i'm getting married at the skylands manor but i would like to get married in a catholic church, ive googled but nothing comes up, i need help!! it should be very near because im arriving in a horse drawn carriage.

Where to buy cheap band shirts for DIY ebay store?

I'm about to open my modified clothing store on ebay that focuses on customized (DIY Punk, Biker, Skate & Psychobilly) band shirts/corsets/dresses. I have a lot of fantastic, original, professional-looking designs, but I currently have no steady supply of band shirts. Would ebay actually end up being my best bet to finding cheap band shirts or are there any other alternatives I can look for? Gently-used or new shirt ideas would be great! Thanks!

Why we ask Lord "Lead us not into temptation" Christians answer please?

Temptation here does not mean a proposal to do evil just like what the devils do. Its correct translation should be trials or sufferings as in purification.

Is this from diabetes?

I have diabetes and my feet are always numb. Feels like I'm walking on pebbles and my toes are always numb. I can't get my blood sugar lower than 250 and I'm sleepy all the time. Today I slept almost 14 hours and my left outer labia is swollen and very hard. I'm having a hard time moving my bowels and it hurts very bad to urinate and always feels like I have to pee. Are these all from diabetes? Should I be concerned? I take 500 in metformin 2x a day, but it doesn't seem to be helping. Any advise?

List of ma. u.s. house of representatives?

I would like a list of my Representatives (Machusetts), their party affiliation and how they voted on this health care bill, or where to go to find this out.

WTF is going on with the WWE & TNA?

I'm watching iMPACT everything seemed fine. Mickie's in ring debut was pretty good it was just after iMPACT I started to wonder what thee hell is going on? I mean with this whole Stand Up for the WWE thing and Linda McMahon running for office and everyone all hoping that she loses. In TNA you have the same storyline you had before. It has me wondering whats going on right now?

When (if ever) do you think we'll elect a president without religious affiliation?

the country does seem to be moving in a more non-religious direction, but do you think there will ever be a president that is not openly religious? if so, how long will it take?

What are some cute nicknames me and my boyfriend could call each other?

think of things that rhyme with your names, or something that describes your personalities. my girlfriend and i go through stages where i call her psycho and she calls me loser, on a humorous basis -- we aren't mad at each other. but normally, i call her jazzy (her name's jasmine) and she calls me crispy (name's chris).

How did shrinking the size of the government while banks failed in the 20s work out for President Hoover?

Come on now. I'm sure people had lots of fun while standing in line for hours to get a bowl of soup or a loaf of bread.

Has anyone seen the doentary "Inside Hurricane Katrina" on National Geographic?

I don't even know when it aired, but it's a doentary about the storm from survivors filming it, so can someone tell me if you know it will air again, or if it was just a one time thing? I looked on the Nat Geo website,, and even IMDB, and couldn't find the information I'm looking for. Help!

Evangelical conservatives are most in favor of torture and waging war. Are they real Christians?

Depends on the definition of Christianity. A lot of conservative Christians seem to believe in a whole other Jesus than Jesus of Nazareth.

Syria and the United Nations?

Syria is an Islamic State that supports the Palestinians and provides training grounds for suspected terrorists. Thus, it cannot be allowed to join the UN.

What should I do? I don't think sheven cares anymore...?

when you do talk to her, tell her how you feel. if she doesn't change, then stop being her friend and find new friends

Sweet seixteen decoration ideas...?

so i have a great place for my sweet sixteen and i dotn know how to decorate my chairs....the chairs are regular folding chairs and i kinda wanna decorate them but i want it to be cheap really really very cheap!!! its just that u know their brown ick! also i need ideas on how to cover over a fireplace or make it look like its not there cause the building that im at has a fireplace and its a church so there are pews in the i need ideas on how to cover stuffand some good ideas for walls!

Why did Jesus Say That He is not God? ?

If read in modern english, Jesus is asking the man, "Why do you question me about what is good?". In either case, In any version, Jesus is not saying that He is not God. You are drawing erroneous conclusions from the scripture. He is merely answering the man's question. Thanks for sharing though.

How can an RNA virus cause cancer if it doesn't have DNA to insert into a cell's genome?

There are 2 types of RNA virus, ss(single stranded) RNA virus, and ds(double stranded) RNA virus. Even RNA virus which doesn't have DNA molecules can causes cancer by disrupting the activity of the cell, because most of the cell activity are regulated by functional protein, such as various enzymes, and not by DNA or RNA itself. RNA virus could make or express new protein using the cell apparatus and its RNA (remember the translational process), if a RNA virus can make proteins, yes it can cause cancer.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I ddnt know that teams could make trades now?

Elton isn't a championship guy. Hes a third maybe second option, I don't think that trade will do anything for either team, same for the other trade.

Can you get pregnant from this?

my bf and i were making out pretty heavily, he was in boxer shorts and i was in pj pants, and i started feeling..... hardness, down there for a while, right next to where its supposed to go. i feel kinda bad because im trying to stay a virgin till marriage. i just need to know absolutely for sure... is there any way possible you can get pregnant from this? i mean we had clothes on, i know he didnt , not sure about pre-***. make fun of me all u want for being naive, i just want this off my mind for good. thats all

What color was Linda Hamilton's hair in the first Terminator movie?

I really love her hair color in the first Terminator movie in 1984. I'd like to have my hair that color.

Can I ski/snowboard soon?

On October 24 I had a minor fracture to my fibula. About 3 weeks ago I got my boot off and the doctor said I could run. I ran about and my foot really hurt. Now I'm wondering if I can ski/snowboard this week. Also, if I can, which one is better to do to not risk reinjuring my ankle? It'll be 6 weeks since I broke it if I do sports. It hurt this week but now it hurts just a VERY VERY VERY little bit. Thanks.

How does mitosis affect chance?

Mitosis does not affect chance; it is aual reproduction and offspring identical to the parent are created. Meiosis is the ual division that affects chance.

I'm 28 and period has stopped?

I havent had my period since February and my GP suspects its something calle Polycystic Ovarian Disease. He didnt do any tests, not even a scan. He told me it was nothing to worry about but i checked on the internet and this diease can make you infertile.I am really worried. i sometimes get what fells like period pains but am not actually on my period. I am still waiting for this scan appointment so that they can tell me the truth about whats going on. Has anyone else missed their periods this long?

Whats your favorite icecream?

mine? I like cookies and creme flavor :) but theres alot more I like also lol to many to name I seldom ever eat icecream though.Maybe twice a year.

Why is the military tightening rules for military recruiters due to recruiting misconduct?

In the last year, I've heard about more teachers molesting students than recruiters and recruits. Maybe we should have cameras in clrooms for the same reason.

Do you think we have a bait and switch Pres? He gets caught trying to sneak 200+ billion in pork, now there's?

9000 earmarks in the budget he submitted (snuck in at the dead of night)? One tenet of marxism is to hit em hard and fast so the opponent does not know know what hit him. Another is win by anger and intimidation. Hmmmm....

Psychics help needed right now or someone who is intuitive.?

I think that you have to move on, i know how you feel about wanting to be on good terms but if that person doesn't even look at you in a nice way then just drop it and let him simmer in his own anger. you can apologize though but keep in mind that he probably won't give you any positive responses but at least you will be on good terms with your conscience. you can't force someone to forgive you.

How can I burn an avi file to watch on my DVD player ,freeware would be best ;)?

if you have a ps3 or a x box306 you do not need any software to enjoy you dvd just go to your avi file right click send to cd/ dvd drive but if you are looking for all in one software to use you could just use (Magic Video Converter from all formats to all formats it should be ez to find on any torrent site

TTC what your new years resolution?

i plan to look after the little life within me to the best of my ability, keep a journal this year definatly and i think this is the one year im not going to worry about my weight, i've recently had an eating disorder and got way too skinny, i see that now, and now i am perfect the way i am plus i need to put on a lil bit more weight for my little one :) im not going to jepordise my babys heath for my own selfishness xoxoxo

What do these lyrics mean?

Slipknot is the best band evr there saying to take life as it comes at u and enjoy it while u still can maggot 4 life =)

Does the dream of '' muslim unity '' ever be come true ?

Sunnis disrespecting shias imams and shias slanders and curse Prophet's wifes and Sahaba. there are shias, sunnis, wahabis, zaidis, akhbaris, ismailis etc. Where are the muslims ? i apologise if my question hurts anybody's sentiments.

Making shirts for my homecoming game?

Okay so me and my friends are making shirts for our homecoming. So our mascot is The Eagles. And I got to Rowlett HS. Our colors are marron and navy. I need ideas on what to put and make on the shirts! Thank you!

Benoit was....?

well actually my question has nothing to do with benoit but that seems like the only way to get people to answer question is having his name in the tittle. so do you hh will return as the great game or act like a dx loser again?

Which philosopher's theories were rejected by Enlightenment scientists?

I would guess either Galileo since he had conflict with the church during the Enlightenment Age or Copernicus because he was too afraid to publish his works until his final year. That's what my book says at least. So is it one of those philosophers or is it someone else? Thanks!

Know any big, old, not very understandable books like dante's inferno?

i want to read more books like dante's inferno or the odyssey, the the da vinci code, hunchback of notre dame, or something along those lines. basically just books that tell a story that would have happened a long time ago, and have that ancient english, with a fantasy kind of world. and i know there was like some sort of sequel to the odyssey, but i forgot the name. if you could help out with that too? thanks!

Is Dennis Quaid a General Hawk (GI-Joe)?

I kind of like Quaid for the role. He's a more talented actor than he gets credit for. I think he can bring something unexpected to the character.

DO I need a pardon to fly to mexico from Canada? No charges or any problems for 8 years.?

Haven't had any problems or anything for 8 years. Want to fly from Canada have a pport but no pardon.

I need a new baseball bat!?

This year my league only allows -8 bats and they can only be alloy. Does anyone know a good bat that qualifies?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Both genders I need your help! Mainly guys! I really need a guys opinion too!?

I'm engaged with the only guy I have ever and will always love. I can't to marry him. But I don't see why he loves me. We have these arguements and their always about the same things over and over. Not often about once a month now although we used to argue constantly. He starts the arguements but he has great reasons to so I do not blame him what so ever. He found out I would flirt with people on facebook but the thing is I never realized I would. Still now I don't believe I did. Some part of me believes I did but I don't know. I would never say anything out of line. I would just put smiley a lot which I do all the time and I would playfully insult people. But I would do that to everyone. I have stopped and now I just say things straight up and usually no smileys unless I'm speaking about him and our wedding. But it's constantly something we argue about. Another thing is I promise things some times and I would break them. I understand him not trusting me over some things I promise. But I would forget about the promises. I'm a VERY forgetful person and I did not mean to do it intentionally. I have no feelings for anyone else what so ever I know that for a fact. He doesn't seem to believe me though. I told him even before we started dating that I **** up a lot and he would say it's okayy. But now he doesn't let it go. I caught him asking his ex gf who is now his friend about her life. He denies it and says it was a typo. I don't see how that is a typo. And now he rubs all of my mistakes all over my face when I mentioned her (I've known her for a long time since I was 2 and I never liked her what so ever.) and then I remembered that and I told him I did not like her and he went straight to defending her. I don't like that he talks to her because she is a slut and I know it sounds bad to say, but it is true. I don't know what to do. He doesn't trust me, yet he loves me. It doesn't make sense to me. I completely trust him. I just don't trust her I know exactly how she is. I really need some help I don't want to lose him. I know I've really ****** up but I am changing and I have been doing a lot better. He just keeps bringing things up and I'm not the type of person who argues but for the first time ever I did this time and it wasn't good at all.

Can anyone tell mel which web to go to watch mermaid melody pure episodes with subs?

Lol if you tied veoh then google it NOW im saying google it dont go to google videos...type in the search engine 'Watch Mermaid Melody season 2 online subbed'

Vitamin absorbtion through the skin?

I've heard that vitamins cannot be absorbed through the skin. Is this true? If it is, then why are they in moisturisers and skin products? I know that they are absorbed by the body if you ingest them, and that you get vitamin D from sunlight, but here i am stuck.

Do all US Presidents give pardons on their way out of office?

well yes I think it's tradition. I mean the president feels that since he is leaving office to do so as a parting gesture of good will and a way of saying thanks perhaps for allowing to be chosen as "Your president" after all the citizens of the country elect the president so why not as an elected official give back to those good people. I mean I would put it the context to a person coming into a lot of money..say a lottery and then being generous and give money to people like the homeless and the other less fortunate. As far as who gets a pardon well there is people always asking for pardons and some kind of pardon board I believe. That is two cents worth.

How is my story so far? I need imput please?

Actually sounds fairly interesting (even though I don't tend to like fantasy novels set in modern times). So far I like the premise.

Consider the balanced equation?

honestly i think u need a tutor cuz u ask question like these every day...u can use the internet for help cuz thatz what i do....sorry i didnt answer ur question tho

Will my teacher hate me for this? (10 points best)?

so a few month ago i got moved into the same IT, Cultural Studies, PSHE and Business Studies cl as my friend Sam,but in IT i talked alot and then my teacher sat me away from Sam, but then she also changed my IT lesson too and they're blocked which means i would also have to change all other sets listed above. The only teacher that can move my Lessons is progress manager and she's (for lack of etter words) up The IT teacher's **** so they've mooved me down a set into a lower ability cl and i found the work easy before i moved and had to wait for people to ''catch up'' and if it's lower ability this will only get worse. So i went to the head teacher and explained the situation and she didn't understand why she'd done it so the head told my head off year (Y10) and she said theat they shouldn't have done it and i got the impression that my head of year (sue) thought it wasn't proffessional 'cus the IT and prog manager are ''mates'' as everyone knows and then she made me sit in a chair and said she was going to see my progress manager and she told her istant ''come with me i want a witness for this'' so i think she was going to gob at my PM for moving me unprofessionaly and this will probably result in me being meoved back into Sam's IT set and my IT teacher Will TOTALLY hate me for undermining her wont she. is there any way i can avoid going back in her cl anyway but not go in the ''dummy group''? There are ''top sets'' with clever kids but that would mean i had to go in top sets for PSHE, Cultural ect so would this be my only other option? And i would be able to cope with the work rate because i'm a bright kid and i'm in the top for a couple of subjects anyway so what do you think? I need help? 10 points best. :)

Where r u metal princess?

how do you contact someone on yahoo answers who has added u to their contact list but doesnt want any email or ims?

Public Displays of Affection (PDA)?

As long as you are sure that there are no other unresolved issues with your relationship, I would tell him what you need. You both should be able to compromise and find a middle ground with this issue. Perhaps there is something else bothering him, and he uses the PDA's of a way of telling you so. If you are getting married you need to talk to him, and explain how you feel and that the lack of public affection makes you feel rejected. he should be able to listen.

Men and women of GWS: Name picker please?

I like James, it's a strong Christian name. Jordan also has a Biblical feel. That may not be your goal, but these two names carry weight.

What games are available for macs?

There's tons of games for Mac but it sounds like you're trying to run the Windows versions of those games. You need to buy Mac versions.

Why not space ships are in circular?

Are Sphrical like Ufo's available? is it possible to construct a spaceship like doughnut? or any other possible shapes

Does he like me??!!?

Hes an idiot playing bullsh!t games. Lifes too short to wonder about this pr!ck. As if you tell someone to stop messaging u! How arrogant! Let him keep staring and know that he will never get a piece. He sounds like hes in love with himself!

What goes on a college transcript?

Only your final grade in the cl goes on the transcript, not midterm grades or individual test grades.

Someone dropped Phil Hughes!!?

Rich Hill but i wouldnt pick hughes uop just yet in 4 starts from the DL hes 0-1 with a ERA around 5

Absolutely Stupid Linux Question?

OK, I've played with computers for many years, but I have never gone into the land of Linux. This is a stupid question, but here goes...Will any XP or Vista software play nice on Linux (I'm using Linux as generically as possible, so we can include Ubuntu, etc._? Thanks and pardon my ignorance...just never had the time to learn about Linux.

What can this show be? It used to be on nickelodeon?

It was around 5 mins long and it was about two weird creatures getting to a spaceship through their fridge (i guess it was the fridge but i'm not too sure) and the space ship was on the earth underwater, and there was an alien on it who looked like a purple foot. Anyone got any ideas?

Parents of children with mild food allergies?

My daughter who is 9 years old has always had stomach aches and diarrhea. There were sometimes when she didn't make it to the bathroom. Finally I had a doctor who suggested she was allergic to wheat, and to try a wheat free diet for 2 wks and see if that helped. We did it, and it did help! It is the hardest diet in the world to follow though!!

Should i buy this Acer MiniNotebook?

Sounds great to me also. The only problem that you may have with it is the Processor Speed. If it's a dual core at 1.2GHz, then you'd be okay, but if it's a single core, the video's you watch may be slightly choppy (wouldn't be that bad though.) If it's a good price, go for it!

I want my ex girlfriend back and she claims she still likes me, but how do I do it?

How should I go about this? She is claiming that she can't be with me because of her depression. She is on medication, but I don't see it as helping since she has been on it for about 4 months. Likewise, she sees counsellors pretty much weekly but again, nothing seems to be helping and she doesn't look like she is getting any better. She says if she gets better she would like to be with me again, so therefore she is still attracted to me. When she has a good day it is apparent she wants to be with me, and she is so loved up, but when in a bad mood she will just argue and be really stubborn and hard to talk to. I love her so much, we dated for about 3 months and then on and off for the past month or so. She claims that she thinks by me being in a relationship with her its making me upset, which in turn is making her more upset, so she said to me yesterday we shouldn't talk till the end of the Summer (she goes away on holiday in 30 days for 2 and a half months so we would talk when she gets back). I know even now she is probably missing me because of all the stuff and memories we have, her room is full of things I've made or bought for her etc. So I know she is still attracted to me, but I need her to know that I want to help but I want to be with her so badly. Also, when she is in a relationship she feels she doesn't do enough for the other person so that makes her feel worse too. I will struggle to not talk to her and I know she will too, but is it best to let her miss me and reevaluate her life, and maybe realise that she wants me in it? What should I do? Thanks.

A sentence for scion, expostulate, and symmetry. Look inside for more details.?

Cheating on your homework will put you out of symmetry with the rest of your cl. Therefore I expostulate that you not cheat and instead do your own homework. If you don't, I hope you are the scion of a wealthy family, for you will fail in your cles and end up flipping hamburgers.

Former Mr Gay UK who is a police officer charged with male ....... ouch!!!!?

Well that's what you get for not keeping your truncheon under control and securely in your pants I suppose ;-}

How can i convince my mom to let a my friend from another state come visit and stay with us?

I want my friend Jess to come visit me and stay at my house. (we have a guest room) but I feel like my mom will be unwilling to allow a girl to stay in our house. I want to convince my mom because I haven't seen my friend in a year. she is fine with letting my friend who is a guy come visit though. who has any ideas on how to ask my mom and convince her to allow it?

Could i be Pregnant? Need Answers?

Ok so my are a little sore like they hurt ever time a push on them and I had one dream that i was pregnant. One night i felt a little nausea and sometime i get headaches for no reason. The past two days have been felling Constipation but i don't no if that is because i ate something wrong or what. Sometime i get mad for no reason or just fell mad. Sometimes i get dizzy and if i'm then i'm one 2 to 4 weeks pregnant. and today i'm spotting a little but my period just got over about a week ago. So could i be pregnant?

LGBT: My friend is setting me up with a guy!?

Call him up and invite him out, for a date. Figure something out, that the two of you can do together.

Friday, August 12, 2011

English speakers, could you check this short translation? It’s urgent, please?

Looks fine, couldn't tell you are not a native English speaker. Grammar is almost flawless, only point I could see is if you're writing to a British friend, its more standard to use -ise and not -ize.

Can Bill Ayers sue the GOP for slander.?

People are saying that he is a terrorist. That may be true, but he was never convicted and is now a distinguished Professor. Can he get millions in damages because of the slander ?

Border line anorexic?

help me! i'm like borderline anorexic by like 10 pounds or more it annoys me that im technically anorexic but i'm not anorexic i love to eat and excersize and i'm not constantly like ewww carbs lol but yeah and i dont feel like i should change the way i am do you think i should gain some weight?

Why did swine flu used to be such a big worry?

Because it's the first time a swine virus mingled with a human virus. Swine viruses have never crossed over into humans before and no one knew what to expect.

What should I do if my computer?

Your hard drive could be on the verge of crashing. I could be wrong, but if I were you I'd make sure you have everything that you need backed up somewhere else.

Do you guys think the 2006 NFL Draft was the strongest cl in years?

I don't mean how we see it now, I mean like how we were anticipating all the good players. Like how we thought Reggie Bush and Vince Young were sure-shots in the NFL. And how Mario Williams was the next best thing since Bruce Smith. What do you guys think?

Is Obama the inevitable winner in 2012?

Since we have determined Obama will have far more foreign policy experience and executive experience running the federal government than Mitt, and since Americans prefer experience in the White House, only failing to reelect the inbent in extreme cases like Carter who had a terrible economy and the Iran hostage crisis or George H Bush who enraged his base by raising taxes to reduce the huge deficits Reagan ran up. If the economy continues to improve and no major crisis or scandal gets in the way, Obama is a sure thing in 2012. Your thoughts?

Republicans, is it your strategy to never be in power again?

After President Barack Obama won the 2008 Presidential Elections "Republican Leader" Rush Limbaugh, said "Obama was the product of Affirmative Action". During the Sotomayor appointment the right was relentless attacking Hispanics and Latinos, more affirmative action blah blah blah. They cheat on their wives (Ensign/Sanford/Craig etc, the Holy than thou Crowd). I won't mention Gay Marriage and American Muslims, but since you bought it up...why do you constantly attack these groups?

What are some sacred texts of the Catholic religion?

I am doing research on Catholicism and I am wondering what are the top sacred texts that catholics read/worship out of.

Do kangaroos steal small children?

my friend is trying to tell me that kangaroos steal babies, shove them in their pouch then hop away into the sunset... is this true?

Which restaurant or cafe have fireplace in NYC?

You can't get more intimate and cozy than La Lantern Next Door, down on MacDougal Street. They play quiet live jazz in a small room. You'll love it!

What advantages do CAD sketches have over freehand sketches?

it is like og vs. digital. An ogous clock might be more catering to human eyes but makes no sense to computers.

Does he like me or just a flirt? PLEASE ANSWER.?

Richie is giving me more mixed signals once again. He's been waving at me, and smiling all the time everytime i wave at him. He found out one of my nicknames from a friend, and he just smiled..then said he's going to put it on facebook and today he found out my other nickname..the newest one which is "bouncy brittani" and he smiled, then moaned kind of or it sounded like he did. Im not sure if hes flirting with me, playing me or does actually like please help..:( no hater comments either, i need your advice...bad.

What do I have to dial to call colombia from itouch?

The countries code is 0057 then you would need to enter the Itouch number you are calling. Alternatively to connect to a land line you would need to dial the aread code next for example Medellin: 0057 4 ....... for a mobile you just dial the code and then the number (there is no area code for mobiles).


I have a stepdaughter she is 7, she has lived in a home with my husband and I and her 6 year old sister and my two children ages 3& 4 for almost 4 years.We have the weakest relationship,as long as she cannot manipulate Dad into what she wants she is angry and detached from me,she hasnt seen her Mom in almost 4 years,she is on drugs and now on her way to do like 4 years in prison,the other child is as bonded to me as my own.I cannot imagine going through this a whole lot longer,feels like a battle zone alot of the time,I dont treat her any different than the others,they were so little and Mom wasnt around disrupting the bonding process so its like they are mine,I imagine there is some heartache having to with Mom,specialists say she uses that as a crutch to excuse her behavior.I am frustrated any ideas will be appreciated!!

Do you believe in santa claus and the easter bunny?

No I do not believe in Pagan teachings. If you want to be a Christian than you cannot accept those things . Google the origin of Christmas and Easter and you will find out where they came from . Satan is receiving worship in the disguise of what he makes appear as cute and harmless and family get together .

I need help asking my friend to prom.?

So during his first period I plan on writing it on the overhead so when the teacher turns it on he'll see "(His Name) will you go to prom with me?" But I don't know how to reveal its me. I don't have him for first period. Any ideas? We have homeroom after but he doesn't have a 5th or 6th period if that helps.


Well the best thing i can think of is: the light problem and door problem you should wait until he falls asleep and then shut the door and the light off. For the posters i'm not too sure maybe you can make a deal like: i'll give you candy or something

Statistics about multi military deployment?

I am doing a paper and can't seem to find a source where there is a statistic about how many people in the military get deployed more then once during there service. Any statistic along those lines will do.

One is more intelligent than the other.?

The reason there are less female equivilants is because back in those times, women werent allowed to be in a lab and things of that sort. Today women are allowed to do more, but now the reason is more of ism. Men are considered 'the smartest' because they worked hard, not because of gender. Women tend to try there best but not give it there all when a subject isn't there strong suit. Women consider themselves smarter because they mature faster then men, and they seem to make smarter choices in life.

Do u believe that people born on april have an intense imagination and creativity?

I am asking this because leonardo da vinci was born on april and many genius like marconi,gauss were born.

I really need some good rb's?

i dont really have any rb's on my team. i have willis mcgahee and felix jones. is it worth it to drop felix jones and pick up mike bell? i saw his performance in the first game and it was extraordinary. is reggie bush gonna start any time soon? also, is julius jones worth putting on my team? he also did well, but im not sure if he is going to be consistent.

Kevin Sheedy has said Geelong will win the AFL 2009 Grand Final ? ?

They may do, the reason they lost the 08 grand final was due to the pressure of going back to back and performing equally as well as they have been doing all year. They may be realeased from that pressure of going back to back and win one in 09. They will be competitive and will be a force in the competition, this year they lost 2 matches only and had 7 all australians, showing the amount of depth & talent in their team which is ready for 2009.

On what were written the verses of the Quran when they were revealed to prophet Mohammed?

They weren't written down until later, when Mohammed recited them to some designated scribes. Mohammed couldn't read or write, so he would not have been able to review them for accuracy. The original Quran is not extant, so no one knows for certain what it says and there is no way to prove it. It was probably written down on papyrus or vellum.

I am bridemaid for my cousin in June and desperately need to know what shapewear would be suitable?

My family swears by Spanx. However I went to Walmart and they don't have that brand. I picked up a nude brand called Sweet Nothings. It seems really good--I tried it on with my dresses for the cruise. I'm going with my family in a couple days and my mother is the one who will never p up an opportunity to commit that you look like you've gained 5 lbs.

To the boy next door..your thoughts?

Ive read your poem three times now and i got two emotions, love and hate, the 2 sides of a coin so to speak, i also feel a hint of sarcasm?

I'm a single member Property Rental LLC, should i add membersto better protect?

I heard as a single member the court system would view my LLC as an "alter ego" and my Personal ets would be liable in a law suit. Is this true? Should I add a member? if so, how do I add a member to an LLC?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I'm a Mexican national, residing in the US. What am I required to enter into Guatemala other than a pport?

Mi plan is to fly into Mexico City and rent a car to visit the lower states of Morelos, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas; then turn the car in and enter Guatemala and travel by public bus to San Benito, Pet�n, Guatemala (Tikal)and on to Belize City and further into Mexico's state of Quintana Roo to rent another car to continue trough Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Veracruz, Puebla and back to Mexico City. My goal is to visit as many Mayan, Olmec, Toltec and Aztec ruins as I can; with a couple of cool beaches along the way in a span of 3 to 4 weeks. I know enough about Mexico and got information on the car rental to feel safe. Can someone give me pointers about Guatemala and Belize?

BIG FANTSASY TRADE(easy 10 points)?

I would do it because Yao Ming and Jermaine O'neal usually get injured and don't end up playing a full season. Last season '07-'08 for example yao and Jermaine were injured for a good part of the season. Lebron is an excellent fantasy player and joe johnson you get points and threes. The trade seems fair.

What laptop should i get?

I am looking at around �350 or less, i like the Toshiba A300-16c and the Advent 5411. i want it to be quick and good for playing music and films.

First to get this right gets ten points?

Big Daddy V, he managed all of these people. I remember very specifically since Mo was his tag team partner in the 90s.

How does one get baptized as a catholic?

People who convert to Catholicism are baptized as adults. This is part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). We're not against it, but rather we are for it. Not everyone is the child of Catholic parents, let alone raised in the Catholic faith. Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of our church. Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation must follow. Catholic doctrine does not go against scripture.

Which piano piece should i play next?

Well, if you don't mind period jumping, which you already are with Beethoven and Bach, try my favorite, Nocturne in Eb Major Op 9 No 2 by Chopin.

What was Cheney's part in the 1989 invasion of Panama?

The US military, build up over 40 years of cold war, was suddenly obsolete in its mega size format, as the USSR collapsed. Desperate for justification of the huge forces and the neccesary budgets, the Pentagon has since jumped into ever more controversial mini wars. The first one was Panama, the biggest air invasion since WW2. What was Cheney role in that war, which was a one man hunt for a former CIA agent, and cost by some estimates 5000 civilians lifes.

I just ate a bunch of mushrooms from the field near my house?

ok. well first of all be a big boy and face the consequences of eating things off the floor. Especially when you don't even know if the mushrooms are the POISONOUS kind or not. Second you must be a rookie at knowing about shrooms. (the kind that make you trip) from your description it sounds like you ate the kind of mushrooms that make you hallucinate. If so, then just know that you will be high and basically you will start to kinda trip out on things. All I can say is enjoy it!!! Listen to your favorite music or any kind of music at all. Or watch some movies or tv. Just remember that it is not a permanent high and it will come to an end soon. Fungus worrior!!! P.S. It usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour to start tripping. But it depends on a few things

How does getting a tattoo work?

tattooing is a result of a set number of needles repeatedly being inserted into your epidermis, at about 1/16 of an inch deep. the needles are first coated with a dye or ink, and when inserted, the ink remains causing the pictures you see as tattoos.

My Bones are cracking?

I am a 26yr physically active female and since I can remember, about 7, probably earlier, my bones crack. When I walk, my feet involuntary crack, when I take a deep breath my upper back cracks, my hips cracks, etc. It is not painful when this happens, but I am concerned if this is normal or should I see a doctor about this. Also, my mother feet cracks when she walks, so I don't know if its hereditary. Can someone give me some advice on what this might be?

WOULD YOU GIRLS LIKE THIS ??????????????????????????/?

Ok so on friday or saturday I dunno don't care I wanna take my girl for good time and I ain't seen her in over a week, So I was thinking go to the movies have a good time then walk to my park chill out have a smoke look at the stars then head back to my place to snuggle up and order some food, maybe drink some wine depends, throw in all the kisses and hugs and problably at the end, does this sound alright yeah haha?

Putting music on my iphone ? please help.?

Songs that you have purchased will not get erased. If you have sync your iPhone with different computer, then all the songs you have sync with in the first computer will get deleted but songs you bought thru itunes will stay.

My teacher keeps looking at me?

Its really weird, like he glares at me and when our eyes catch sometimes he looks away and I can feel his eyes on me when i look away and see him looking at the corner of my eye. He looks at me when I p him on corridors too but only says hello when I say it. I'm not just being paranoid because my friend noticed too that he looks at me funny but she thinks he dislikes me. I don't know because he's really nice and teases me jokingly and always asking if I know what I'm doing. It so weird and makes me feel awkward! Whats his problem?

Who do you believe, Ridge or Townsend?

The terror alert was raised only for political reasons. It smelled funny at the time and it has now been confirmed by Ridge.

Macbook Pro has a virus. HELP!?

its hard to get a virus on a mac.. but if that's the case just format it,, it should of come with a cd that allows you to that... however you will lose everything that's there but you will start witha fresh copy, mo virus and everything should be ok

What would happen if i ran away?

okay so recently i got back together with myy ex of nine months and my parents aren't really too fond of him so now they threaten that if things dont change with him that they will break us up. im truly in love with this guy and i dont ever want to lose him again. but my parents are realyy strict and hardly let us talk on the phone let alone hang out as much as me and him would like to. so ive had thoughts about running away but im just a little worried about legal consequences. im only 14 so how much trouble would i really get into with the law. plus my step dad, whom i live with, is a state trooper. so any help? it would be greatly appreciated!! =)

Would mohammed's turban go flying into space and hit allah square in the head if...?

If mohammed, while on one of his killing sprees, became totally covered in blood, and then because of his own stupidity fell over and left an impression of his body in the ground, would that count as a drawing of him?

How to get my mom to stop bothering me cause of my....?

high metabolism??? i eat ALOT and she eats very little so she thinks that if a pop tart fills her up then it should for me when im 110lbs and active in like everything so im HUNGRY!!! like, everytime i eat something shes like "thats too much" or "you eat like a horse" its like pissing me off cause shes always on me about eating too little when she barely eats so wtf shes not one to talk so how do i get her to understand i have a really high metabolism!!!!!! cause im ALWAYS HUNGRY! [IM 15 BTW]]

How can I boost my childs immune system (frequently sick!?!)?

maybe her immune system is weak.. get a second opinion from another pediatrician because it sounds like she gets sick a lot!! Aslo, was she fed and do you share custody? if so, what does she eat when with her father? or anyone else for that matter.. mixing way heathly food with way unhealthy food could be a factor as well... i would read books on how to boost your childs immune system, you will find them helpful i think

TMac givin?

So Tracy McGrady wants to give his all star spot up to someone more deserving according to the Houston Chronicle. The NBA doesn't allow it, so it may not happen, but he could just use injury to get out of it for someone else. What do you think of TMac saying this? And if he could choose, who would he choose to go that probably would not be chosen otherwise?

Married men and masturbating?

i was married for ten years, & my wife was beautiful, but when i d, it was nothing about us not getting along, it was just something that a guy does to get his ual tensions to settle down. i still masturbatate at least 3 times a week, even if we are not having , so i think it is normal to at least to pleasure yourself to help yourself relax.

How many clothes will fit in a front loader 4.0 qu. ft.?

don't overload or items will not clean properly or rinse properly. front loaders are basically using wieght of total items not number of items. so it would depend upon total weight of garments.

How did the "My name is Joe and I am Albertan!!!" thing start?

It started with a commercial for Molson's Canadian beer where Joe proudly proclaimed himself to be a Canadian. . Interestingly the original actor moved to Hollywood seeking fame and fortune. (Not sure how successful he's been)

Wireless connection and Auto CAD?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Im getting a video card but i dont know if it will fit in my case?

Im planning on getting this card ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) but this is my case ( a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ) will i be able to fit it inside their ok. also i need a new psu and someone said i can fit an atx psu in there is that true. because the atx psu's i need are cheaper

Are nutter ers vegan?

I doubt it. Many foods that you would never suspect actually have some type of animal product in them and reading the label doesn't help because they never come right out and directly name what the ingredients are.

If you are dealing with the recent loss of a parent, please reply?

Hi, I recently lost my father, he was young and it very sudden and untimely.My father was healthy with no major health troubles. Im a doctor myself and this has left me with a lot of guilt, and grief. I just cant seem to stop thinking about him, I cant sleep and feel numb most of the time. I just cant seem to find any answers. I feel noone( including a therapist) can understand what Im going through, unless they have experienced such a profound loss themselves. I would love to hear from you or even correspond via email if you feel the same need to talk your feelings out with someone who understands

Do you understand what Mitt Romney is referring to?

It's a fancy way of saying finger prints, photographs, retina scans, basically any physiological attribute that can be use for identification. My wife's green card already has her thumb print and her picture. I don't know what else Mitt wants to include.

Who thinks the voting system should be changed?

i think its a bit out dated. why can a candidate win the majority of the country, but still lose the election?? i know why because of the electoral votes, but do you think this should change?

On a petrol engine , if the engine oil level s above the maximum mark , will make light on dash 2 come on?

Can 2 much oil cause low pressure ? Car is a Honda Prelude , 2L , UK spec . Thanks , i know the marks r there 4 a reason , but by accident i put on 2 much oil and i m going 2 do it proper , but 2day had 2 drive it for a couple of miles and light was flashing . I stop it , of course . Nothin in manual about 2 much oil , i thought light only come on if low level . Thank u all .

Does (or did) Mike Myers and Adam Sandler hate each other in real life?

They were in Saturday Night Live together during the same era, I don't remember them being in a skit together. I taped a bunch of SNL reruns from the early '90s on Comedy Central like ten years ago. Unfortunately, those tapes got old and had to junk them. I don't know, for some reason I always got the vibe that they hated each other.

I am converting (not really a conversion, more of a lifestyle change) from Christianity to Hinduism.?

My question is, well there are a lot.. First, I have been reading up for about a week on Hinduism, the beliefs, festivals, fasting, etc. I am unclear on the dietary regulations, the different paths, and which one I am on (or is right for me). If anyone knows anything that may be able to help in my life style change, please help. Also, I would like to personally email anyone who would be happy to help me with anything I may suddenly think to ask. If you'd like to help in that case, please also email me at Thank you. Namaste.

Does he like me...asked once but got no answer...?

ok... theres this guy, and i think he likes me but im not sure. Last year, we had 7outta 9 cles together. I noticed that about halfway through the year he would act wierd around me. He sat way across the room from me in history and he would come study off my paper when he had like 6 friends he could have studied with. Then we had to do a project where we had to chose a song that has literary elements...he chose a country song( i KNOW he doesnt like country but he knows i like country music) that described me...the song was about a blue eyed girl in his homeroom cl(me) and he wants to ask her out...Anyways...multiple other things happened that made me think he liked me last,this year, i have no cles with him but i saw him walking and when i started to talk to some of my friends, he turned around...then later on, we were standing in the bus area and his friends kept saying his name and then looking at me* kinda like waiting to see if i turned around* really shy so im not gonna ask him if he likes me...thats y i came on here:) hehe...well any answers will help...thank you!!!

What is the reason Napoleon Bonapartes' dictatorship failed?

It wasn't really a dictatorship more of a republic and only failed because Napoleon was defeated militarily. Up until the end of the republic, Napoleon had the full support of the French people and this was particularly clear when they welcomed him back from exile with open arms. Had he not been over ambitious militarily speaking, then the republic would not have failed.

If you had your head chopped off how quickly would you actually die?

Your brain would presumably have some blood already in it, so wouldn't you conscoius for a few seconds? Would you be aware that your head had been separated from your neck? I think about the French Rev sometimes and they've gotem lined up to go "chop-chop". How long it must seem for that blade to come down. Then, wouldnt there be just a few seconds of being aware that your head at just come off and is falling into a bucket? A question for the Sweeny Todd fans among us... :-)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

POLL: Should Archie marry Veronica, as planned, or should he dump her and marry Betty?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Chemistry, does anyone know how to do the following problem?

the exact halfway point between the freezing point and the boiling point of a solution of potium phosphate is 48.2275 degrees celsius. what is the molarity of the solution?

How can adultery be a sin?

The thing is, in primitive times there was no concept of marriage. It did not exist, in fact monogamy wasn't even a widespread virtue until some hungry kings decided to make it illegal to have more than one wife, or to step out on that wife, because they wanted to horde all of the women for their own harems.

Please help me any english expert out there. Forgot to buy ticket for my boss?

Boy, all you can do is apologize sincerely. All over this email, your boss is telling you to get reservations for steve. Next time, print out & cross off or check off each task as you do would have seen a huge chunk of stuff you did not do on this one (steve ticket....steve accommodation...check date with steve......). You are correct, this is a pretty big boo boo. You will need to make a plan to formulate a system so you do not do this again--and tell your boss the changes you have made to protect from future mistakes like this again.

Am I vampier Help?

I never thought vampiers were real. But like 2 weeks ago I woke up with 2 holes on my neck at the time I didn't think anything of it. The like to days later I went out side and all of a suddin I got a head. Wasn't that bad. Then like ten mins later it was so bad I was crying. At the Time I thought it was a migrain But I went in side and like ten mins later it was gone and I went back out side it came back Every day I went out side it happend agen and agen A few days after that I felt alive dering the night. Then. I lookd at my teeth and they were sharper And I went to clip my nails and they wouldint clip I had to use my teeth And I noticed I got stronger I went from benching 80to140. I'm 17 btw Ind I was faster I need help.

Should America choose a president based on the opinions of the rest of the world?

Americas should not choose a president based on the opinions of the rest of the world because some of our friends would like to take us over too.

I have a basic English question for you?

You are completely correct, it is 'a historical event' not 'an'.The sentence simply does not flow well if you say "an" so stick to "a". Anyone that says otherwise simply has bad grammar. Thanks for pointing that out to everyone!

Is my job horrible or is it just me?

Report them to the labor board. You shouldn't pay until you understand why if there is even a just reason. I would be looking for a new job while staying at your current employer until you find a new one. Personally, no matter how much you care about your students, you need to look out for yourself too. Keep your chin up.

Where can I watch the Leeds game tonight not on SkySports? I,e online?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a there you go its got media player options but if you need any other program like sopcast you will find the link on the home page of the site

What do I do about my friend?

Sounds like maybe he liked her???? Or maybe jealous of the time that you are spending with your g/f. Just give him some time...then talk to him about it.

Who do you think will win Football League One next season?

Leeds are the bookies favorites and as a Leeds fan myself I want to say Leeds but am not 100% confident in saying so. Norwich I think will do the best out of the 3 relegated clubs, but due to a 10-point deduction I have doubts on Southampton even making the play-offs. It will be tough this year, but tell me your top 6 teams.

Does anyone have boiler cover etc with southern electric?

ie a payment plan you pay �16.50/month for 24/7 coverage all year and a boiler service once per year? if so, do you think its worth it? are you happy with the service people? are they decent and know what they are doing? if not, do you think thats a "good deal" for the money paid versus what is offered? thanks

I want to get my entire arm tattooed. cost? time?

I plan on getting my entire arm tattooed from my shoulder down to my finger nails. I want to get a Frankenstein/ zombie/ cyborg tattoo i haven't seen anything like what I'm planning. i plan to ger it looking stitched together and rotting but also having machine/robot parts. steam-punk/terminator style. unfortunately i live an hour away from the nearest(good) tattoo parlor. and i need to know what the cost would be and how they charge(detail, per hour, etc) and how long it would take to get my entire arm tattooed everything except my arm pit and underside of my hand. all input is appreciated and of course most detail gets you the best answer and 5 stars ;D

I'm worried about my promiscuous friend?

I'm 13, and my friend Angela is a little...out there. She flirts with a lot of guys, and she even gave them a lap dance in gym cl once. She wears thongs, and sometimes no underwear. I even heard a strange rumor about her giving a guy a ******* in the bathroom. I also heard that she sends ual text messages to her boyfriends. For example, she'd say that she wants to get in the shower with them and do it. She's 12. What should I do?

Did charlie chaplin make fun of adolf hitler?

Yes, he did, in his movie The Great Dictator, but it didn't go over very well. The problem was that by the time the movie was released (summer of 1940), Hitler wasn't anything to laugh at any more. He had conquered Western Europe and had pinned the British to the mat.

My friend has feelings for me...?

Can't force it, you're just gonna have to deal with knowing that you can't fufill his needs. Not your fault at all, life can be tough.

Where's your excitement for life, People?

I'm miserable, and I can choose to frown and be bored if I want. You can't tell me what facial expressions or mood I should have.

Does the Samsung BD-C6500 blu-ray player allow you to search NetFlix movies without a PC?

I've found that most internet-enabled blu-ray players with NetFlix streaming capabilities do not allow you to search movies WITHIN the NetFlix interface. Is this true, or are there exceptions?

Someone from Y!A wants to meet you...?

after several emails, and the person seems really cool. Maybe it's not even romantic, but there's just this ''chemistry" and potential for a really good friendship. Could be same or opposite PLATONIC friendship. Do you agree to meet them?

Do you think these are more boy or girl names?

Kelly, Jess and Terri (with an i) definitely seem more girly to me, though I have known a male Kelly, he got badly teased. Hayden, Morgan and Drew - wouldn't be surprised if a girl was called these but they are more boys names in my opinion. Dakota, girl, only cos it ends in an A!

R&P: My song of the day?

That is an awesome song. Hole is a great band IMO I think it's sad that people don't even give them a chance because of Courtney's lifestyle. People give her too hard of a time. She's very talented.

Champions League Carbon Footprint - How Big?

ynot swap the EUFA and CL venues? Rangers/Fior can play in Moscow instead...would Chelski have home adv in Russia..or would Putin arrest Abramovitch and the whole team and put them in labour camps..we can only hope!

Does it make sense for any country in the world to elect?

He hasn't told us how he would mend this broken country. Obama wants to invest in America instead of sending everything we have overseas to destroy Iraq. Conservative economics has put us into severe debt more than once but this is worst ever and it is not known if we can ever recover. How can Repubs live with their conscience knowing they p this mess on to their kids and grandkids. How can they be so destructive?

How can I get alone with my bf?

So i don't know why but i'm really anti-pda. me and my bf are 15 and we like kissing and stuff but idk how we can get alone so that we can just kinda lay together and kiss or things like that. Any suggestions?

Whos yahoo avatar looks better, Barack Obamas or Mitt Romneys?

I think despite Mitt's $## facial he just has a goofy look on his face, Barack's kind of the same but at least he's not paying as much for his

Why do Eminem fans always defend the psychotic stuff he sings about?

So he is racist because he calls women hoes and b*tches? Women are a race? Hmmmm with the use of your logic I will guess you are an Immortal Technique Stan.

Is the existence of human races a disease of the human race?

Humans are too powerful, so God divided up the human races into a huge number of races to weaken the human species. And the existence of human races will constantly make humans paranoid about genocide (ala Adolf Hitler) so that humans cannot concentrate on their study and work as well as they could have had there been just once race in the human race????

How much to feed my new horse?

You are doing a good job of guarding against colic, but free feeding alfalfa has probably already foundered all your animals.

A lot of people are isagreeing on my Trade Brady Keep cel?

a lot of people dont like it because brady is good but bradys getting old not really old but he dosent have a lot of good years left after moss leaves but he does have welker but if they trade brady they can get a number 1 draft pick and maybe draft colt mccoy or Tim Tebow or graham harrel and then theyll have really young quarterback in stead of a 9th year player

My Landlord charged me and another family rent for the same place at the same time...?

sounds perfectly legal to me. They could have made you pay a penalty for breach of contract when you left early.

What is the symbolic meaning of a fluorescent blue light on the porch or above the front door?

Does it have anything to do with drugs? I have noticed it in the downtown drug area and I know red means . So could anyone help with this as google isn't being very helpful.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'm very thirsty, and my mouth and throat are very dry.?

I don't know what to do, I tried eating a bunch of pretzels, saltine crackers and oyster crackers, it didn't help. I even had to full spoonfuls of peanut er, it also did not help. I don't know what else to do, Help!

Help on Presenting sonnet 18?

i have memorized sonnet 18, and need to think of a way to "act it out " with feeling using props and/or costumes. any ideas?

What are Brooklyn residents known for?

If one was to what to come up with a team mascot and team name for the Brooklyn what would be a name and mascot that would best describe Brooklyn residents?

Who has any outfit ideas?

I am doing a show of Macbeth at school.The shakespeare one.I have the part of Lady Macbeth. I need to be royal and look important and i was wondering if anyone has any outfit ideas.Please help x

Will I get sicker from taking antibiotics for a common cold?

Antibiotics will do nothing for the common cold. And, you shouldn't just randomly take them, as your body will become immune to them.

I'm planning to get a new notebook, which one is better? HP Pavillion dv2711TX or Toshiba Satellite A200-E530?

HP is only only brand with the built in restoration disks on a partition. This means if you have a virus or soething you just hit f12 while rebooting and it fixes your PC. No one else has this option. Toshiba is OK but HP is better.

Why won't my DVD drive burn my movies?

Ok, here's my problem. I was trying to make a movie for my parents (cause they're completely computer illiterate) and the burning gets about half way done then fails. I've tried two different programs to burn it and the first one says that it completes, but there's nothing on the disk, and the second one says there was an error that was most likely caused by bad media (the blank dvd). I know the dvds are fine cause they burn just fine on my other computer just not this one. Any tips/advice would be most appreciated.

What is the difference between the sugar mountain and beach mountain in North Carolina?

I'm planning on renting a cabin with my friends and family. One cabin is on beach mountain and the other is on sugar mountain. Which one is better for renting there? Which one has more snow or is more fun or has the best places to snowboard and ski and more things to do? Much appreciated!

Mold under wallpaper ?

No. Nothing will really remove black mold from drywall. It will even come back after you bleach it, eventually. You must simply replace the drywall. But people leave the mold in all the time. That's scary to me. Black mold is bad stuff to breathe.

What's the importance of the ark of the covenant to the israelites?

It made for a great plot structure for Steven Spielberg therefore helping one of our all time favorite Jews make a ton of money off the movie and franchise.

I have a competitor threatening to slander my product online, what can I do?

All emails will be sent to clients and will be made available to the public. I will also be posting these facts on online forums, websites and on YouTube.

Father's day woes-what should I do?

At first, he was saying things like " I don't want you to keep it but I'll stand by whatever decision you make." and a few common other statements you would typically expect from a teen, not a man in his 30's. Recently, we have discovered that we just don't mesh in a all! Friends, we're cool, other than that, NO. I decided I wanted to keep the baby, I love kids. But now it's father's day, and I called him, he told me he didn't know how to respond with the token "happy father's day" phrase. This is kinda the final straw for me. He's been saying things like: it's not his, he's sterile, 'are you sure?'. To me, it's like slapping me in the face and saying he doesn't want anything to do with me or the pregnancy. He's acting like a jerk! I'm in my late 20's, have a great career and can take care of this child on my own. I've called him, txted him ultrasound pics, everything to get him more excited/involved. Nothing. No happiness. Should I walk?

Does anybody know if they are ever going to bring an amusement park to the Detroit Metro area (like Boblo)?

Michael Jackson and another man proposed an idea to bring an amusement park to this area but Dennis Archer (Ex-Mayor) declined the idea a few years ago.

How can I change new tones in yahoo messenger (like coming and going off line sound) back to the sounds they?

the sounds have changed in my yahoo messenger like when a person comes and goes online, IMs me, etc.

Forture Cookie needs to be decoded?

It means committment is the ability to believe in something instead of being suspicious. To take something and belive in it is a sign of integrity

I have a Johnny Express Tractor Trailer w/Remote Control, and 8 Accessories new in box, how much is it worth?

I also have the Johnny Express Bridge, Tire Kit, Pipe Kit, Dump Body, Trooper Carrier, Reefer Van, Liquid Tanker, Storage Tank

37 weeks with sore belly on?

up until now i have had no pain in my belly on at all, it isn't even completely flat yet but this morning i woke up and its so painfull i cant bare to touch it, even my clothes are hurting it, the skin around it feels bruised and when i touch the inside it feels like im pricking it with a pin. Would this pain have anything to do with labour coming soon? also my hips and pelvis are so sore today, i can barely walk for more than a minute or so without feeling like the will give way.

Euthanize or continue treating?

It sounds like it's suffering to me. I doubt that it will recover completely and even if it does, are you going to put it back into that tank with the other fish again? If not it will have to live in isolation forever. If it's getting a bend to the body, it sounds like it has more serious damage than just the fins. I would euthanize it. A fish doesn't usually come back from such extreme damage. Sorry. I hate it every time I have to euthanize a fish, too but sometimes its the best alternative.

What are the most evil companies in the world?

I'd rearrange the order, putting Blackwater first, Halliburton second, Wal-Mart third. I might be willing to take Microsoft off the list. But you need more tobacco companies, and oil companies, too. (Remember the bumper stickers? "We don't care. We don't have to care. We're Exxon.") Throw on AIG, and if there's anything left of Enron, put them on, too.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can I find the new Brett Favre book?

I was in my car on the way home from work, and the radio station I was listening to mentioned a new book -- "Letters To Brett Favre: A Fan Tribute" -- but I didn't hear them say where it can be found. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Please Score My SAT Essay! I am prepping for the Oct 2008 SAT

I honestly would give you a failing grade as your English teacher. Avoid using the word "I" because it makes you're writing very weak.

Is this a solid fantasy PL team?

yeah but i'd get rid of crouch, he's not that great. and yeah but switch anelka for fernando torres, drogba hasn't been on his best form

Alligator snapping turtle?

I am in the military and stationed in texas. i want an alligator snapping turtle and have done the research about owning one in texas. (they are a protected species) and i can have one as long as it comes from out of state and i can prove i bought it out of state if anyone comes to investigate. i will be heading to PA in about three months and want to know if anyone knows of a place there that i can buy an alligator snapping turtle?

Do you think Leeds will win Saturday and get the automatic promotion spot?

The s don't even deserve to be in League One. League One is too good for them. Leeds shouldn't even exist.

Why does the Qu'ran say that Muslims may beat their wives lightly? surah 4:34?

B/c (Muslims and liberals, say it with me) : "WOMEN ARE GARBAGE" . Why else would a perfect God or a peaceful people believe that it's OK to beat women ? Yes, women are garbage. I mean, it must be true or liberals wouldn't constantly defend Islam as a wonderful but misunderstood religion. And it must be true or so many Muslims (whom liberals have already proven to be wonderful people by calling critics of Muslims and of Islam 'racists' all the time) wouldn't support it. Muslims support Islam. Islam supports beating your wife. Therefore, by the transitive property, Muslims support beating their wives. If 'peaceful' Muslims want to put out the 'new and improved Koran' with 50% less evil, that'd be great.

How do I replace the fuel rod on poptropica on astro knights island?

I have already retrieved the rod but I have no idea how to put it in! There's no on on it that says use that most of them have. Sorry the topic isn't right. It was the suggested topic but everytime I try to browse for other topics it won't let me. =[

Dreaming of crocodiles eating everyone

I have very vivid dreams, in this one, after doing something in a government office, I dreamed crocodiles were eating everyone.. There were these gross human (actually not human,, more like alien, or fish like) remains piled up everywhere and as I was trying to make it to my truck, they got a hold of someone else, not anyone I knew.. It was a catastrophe. I woke up after someone i knew was driving us away

Using tainted Kerosene in a kerosene heater?

Put on a dual filter mask for organic material, Get a can of Carburetor cleaner. Spray in can and shake well then pour out in a bucket of cat litter. Then blow out with compressed air. You can then use immediately.

Stephen King's Desperation Movie?

Has anyone seen Stephen King's Desperation movie? If so, does it have a lot of ual content or references? I know the book did.

What kinds of WMD were smuggled into Syria and how did they get there without our inspectors finding out?

I lot of war cheerleaders are upset that we haven't found any WMD in Iraq so now somehow they were smuggled into Syria. What WMD are we looking for? Are they like the WMD that Israel has?

Long distance calling question?

so i live on the east coast & my companys at&t & my friend lives on the west coast using tmobile . if they call me would it charge me & would it show up on the bill? im under a family plan .

Fantasy football running back?

alright well currently i have addai mcfadden barbar and brandon jackson. on the free agent list Marshawyn Lynch and Michael Bush are both free agents what do yall think i should do

The American Dream in Death of a Salesman and the Great Gatsby...?

For my English exam, my teacher says she is going to gve us a short poem that is thematically related to both The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman. We have to respond with an essay, including specific references to the poem, play, and novel. Do any of you have any ideas about what the poem could be. I'm 99.8% sure it's related to the American dream. You would be saving my life if you helped.

28yr old Female With Skin Issues!!!!! Advise Please?

I am the healthiest eater in the world but I have always battled this. It is hormone related and different birth control pills always helped but they had side effects I couldn't tolerate so I am having my hormones tested so I can get on the right medication. I can't stress enough that it is hormones.

Insane Clown Posse - Are they really 'insane' or just lacking intellect?

In miracles they are just saying how they appreciate everything for being there, and asking how magnets work is just stating how awesome it is how they work, and they way nothing else works that way. He says scientists lie because they can make a reasonable reason for anything. when they said the world was flat they were right. Then they say it's round they're right. If something happened that was unexplainable, they would give you a reason no matter what people would believe it. But they are very clever, some of their lyrics are just amazing how they thought of them. It's ok if people don't like them, but I find it strange how people hate them. They teach anti-bigotry and love for everyone no matter what and people hate them. Their lyrics always have two meanings. Say halls of illusions. People say it's ICP finding it funny how the dad treats his family, but in actual fact the song says how a fathers actions reflect on the families life. Like if he was nice and good, the boy would be a doctor, and the girl going to college with good grades, but when he realizes reality he finds his kids in neglect and growing to have little or no life. All of their albums known as the jokers cards are basically them saynig how to live a good life without being a . Just saying. Look em up and think before you say.

What's the different between jaw crusher and impact crusher?Iwant to break basalt,Which is better?

The jaw crushers Shanghai Jianye Heavy Industry Co.Ltd offers are ideal for primary and secondary crushing. Shanghai Jianye offers several models of good quality impact crushers used in both primary and secondary crushing applications of aggregate, and in recycle crushing of reinforced concrete, asphalt and other construction and demolition debris. please know more ,you can check email

The true sometimes its really painfull, but its true, Obama spending government money. WHAT!!!!!?

no matter his tax returns or he is the senator from U.S.A hi is spending government money. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it possible to eliminate a harmful recessive allele from a population? Why?

The recessive alleles in all populations of penger pigeons have been eliminated. So have the dominant alleles.

I get the weariest feeling travelling down a lane near my house.?

When driving down the lane in the dark I have seen a person shine a torch across the road in front of the car, then it just dissapears. I have seen the person and the light the torch makes, but it all just vanishes before I get to where it is. Is this a ghost? I always get the same creepy feeling when in the lane (day or night and always have. Even before I saw anything) I have also seen the person in the day time, but they always are gone by the time I get to them. There is no way I couldn't see them if they had terned around to go back the way they had come.

Did Tiger ask Ben Roethlisberger of the Steelers to be present at his press conference today so that.....?

He could have someone else there that has made a successful living at laying on his back and screwing around?

Why do people think being a hobo is bad?

being a hobo is bad because, soon after becoming one you start to smell really bad like urine and oil, Plus if any random people want to try murder on for whatever reason, the first thing they'll say is "Lets go kill a Hobo". Another reason being a hobo would suck is because all you ever eat is pork and beans out of a can. And one more reason being a hobo would suck is because when your a hobo all your friends are hobos too and none of them have cars and they have no skills picking up hot ladies.

He left ...No Goodbyes ?!!?

Maybe he thinks that he would be hurting you less without telling you? Anything could be going through his mind. You should just talk to him about it incase he does it again.

How can i help my child with her obsessions?

Just wanted to mention one time On the Dr. Phil show I saw these doctors talking about a childs nutrition and how it could affect there personnality and mood swings maybe you could check this out I know nothing about williams syndrome but I'm going to look it up, you know lots of times in life being different can be a plus it makes for more original people, more fun, talk to your family doctor maybe he can help you out and make sure not to give the message to Rosie that she is weird or does not fit in on the contrary make her feel special and always give her positive input I can feel it in my gut Rosie is going to be a winner in life and not a follower I send you all my best!

What do the Democrats think of the super Delegates selling out on each other?

The super Delegates haven't made up there minds yet? Hillary states she has a bomb shes going to drop on Obama soon that will clinch it for her. She is ether bluffing or has one hell of a secret about Obama .I find this hard to believe do to Obama's corruption would be tuff to top. .Is that why there waiting? Or are they waiting to see which Candidate ends up with less corruption then the other! Or here's the part I like. When they do decide they are also deciding on who Democrats vote for ! If your vote wasn't to there liking it simply gets overturned. It's like sure vote for ever you want as long as it's the one we pick. If not you wasted your time voting. Cool system .It worked for Hitler and other dictatorships so it must work for Democrat's. Which apparently are not smart enough to choose who they want to vote for. Unbelievable!! One of the many reasons I am a Republican and will stay that way unless Republican leaders tell me who I'm going to vote for. I don't see that ever happening.

??Help me on wich i should choose?

Alright guys well i been kickboxing for days and i really seem to like it. I live in stamford connecticut, age 13 and weigh 90 pounds. Ive been thinking about going to do some martial arts because i really like fighting and its fun for me. I want to try anything but karate because everyone does it. I been viewing Capoeira for a long time and seem to like the way of fighting. I also would like to try tae kwondo but i want to do capoeira really badly but i dont know if i should start at 13. If any one has suggestions on wich i should do or another style of fighting similar to tae kwondo or capoeira because i really like fighting in the air and kicking and using minimum punching techniques. Thanks alot guys and please answer if you have any suggestions :)

Why the shoe thrower made the headlines but the Kurds who love bush didn’t?

Media bias is here, been here. Media is all liberal morons that will not report positive about Republicans or negative about democrats unless they have no choice. Why even ask?

How would you define intellect? and if possible can you relate it to yourself and mke it into an essay intro?

Intellect is the capacity for intelligence and yet a common cause of melancolly, you know I think I could write an essay on it... *winks*

White spots on my eyeliner?

I just bought some eyeliner for 9 dollars at my local CVS store and when I opened the package, it had white spots all over the tip of the eyeliner stick! I did sharpen it off, but what exactly was it? Mold??

How would I cook a leg of lamb steak in a crockpot?

We go to Greek Easter every year and there is this yummy dish of lamb with potatoes in a a gravy. The meat is slow cooked and stringy of texture. I purchased a small boneless leg steak (2lbs) and would think 4hrs on hi would do it in a crock??

Out of curiosity, what would you think of this tattoo?

OK before everyone jumps all over me, I AM NOT getting this tattoo, I just thought it would be a cool idea but very, VERY dangerous and controversial. What would you think of a swastika tattoo as a symbol of good luck? If you all are good students and have done your research, you will know that a swastika is "the sign that represents the Hindu Lord of good fortune, 'Ganesh'. 'Swastik' is a Sanskrit word that means, 'Purveyor of Good Fortune', it bestows luck and prosperity, but it must always be placed in a clock-wise direction. This symbol of luck should not be confused with the 'Nazi Swastika', which is placed at an angle and does not produce any positive energy." Now, I know people who do their research will know this and may not think anything bad about it BUT I would say the majority of people will automatically think NAZI, HATE CRIMES and all the negative stuff now ociated with swastikas. My question is, what would be your thoughts if you saw an average looking person (ie: no skin heads) with this tattoo?

I got a intresting question wrestling fans?

you know how heath ledger reinvented the joker creature. do you think brian pillman could have reinvented the doink the clown creature if he didnt p away like if vince gave him creative control over the creature. because if he did theclown/loosecannon creature could have been big in the attitude era

I need a simile to compare the nervous system to?

I am writing a paper, and I need something to compare the nervous system and reproductive system to.

2001: A Space Odyssey hip hop remix song?

I'm looking for a song that sounds like a hip hop remix of 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was also in the movie "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle." It was featured in the part where Harold and Kumar eat the burgers in slow motion at White Castle at the end of the movie. Does anyone know this song?

How Can I Wash My Dress (cont)?

I bought a dress from Forever 21 and it's made of 95% rayon and 5% elastic. The tag says Dry Clean Only, but are there any ways I can get around it? Going to the dry cleaners is very out of the way for me, so is there any method I can do at home to wash it?